Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
1.1 History

Educational project is a bilingual garden which is non-profit that is focuses on children that have low-resources. This project was born of the need to create a place where children from poor families that are in Zipaquirá can learn good English bases since their childhood; on the other hand this bilingual garden is for children who have no more than six years because this educational program focuses on this specific segment due to the fact that they are the base of Colombia’s future.
Nowadays, a brilliant way to teach someone is through a dynamic methodology because people who learn in this way memorize the information easier and faster than if they only use their book and notebook, so this is the main reason for this bilingual garden will put in practice a dynamic methodology for teaching English which is based in a symbols relationship with concepts like the number two with the form of a duck; another reason to implement this learning strategic is because this educational program wants that while children are learning they are playing too, and also they enjoy to learn knowledge due to the fact that if they enjoy activities that they do they are going to want more classes, so if they love their classes they will learn faster and easier in a fun way.
However, many people look for an opportunity to study and growing up in their life, but they do not have money to pay a college, university or a good garden for their children, so this is the main reason for this project is a non-profit organization that is free for children that do not have enough resources for be in a garden; these characteristics is because the most important thing is to contribute to improve the educational level that Colombia has through a dynamic methodology.
Finally, this project wants to improve social aspect in Colombia, because Colombia needs to give a better English education to their society since childhood due to the fact that this stage is the beginning of building different aspects in the person, furthermore, nowadays English is a very important factor in the people life, and if this country has a good level of this language it will have successful professionals that will help to improve social aspect with a good bases of knowledge, that could achieve by a good dynamic methodology.
© 2015 by C. Daniela, G. Laura, R. Maria Paula and S. Nicole.
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