Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
These means help us achieve the goals we want to meet the long term, in order to ensure order and quality of service delivered to both students and employees.
First Mover Advantages
Angelitos bilingües is the first free institution with a focus on the English language, in the city of Zipaquira, located in one of the areas with lower resources of the city, providing easier accessibility to both children and parents family. This is a competitive strategy to the other institutions operating in the city of Zipaquira since no renders service that we pay: free, easy access and innovative methodology through play and experiential activities that allows greater ease in learning.
Joint venture and Partnering
In the city of Zipaquira there are many centers for early childhood a service, including free but does not include the teaching of English. This situation becomes an opportunity to make a strategic alliance to optimize not only physical resources but also human, since they have the infrastructure and adequate funding to comply with the standards required by the education secretary and we lack this physical plant, but we have the human resources and the proper methodology, which would generate greater opportunity in the education of this population with low income would be at the level of private education.
© 2015 by C. Daniela, G. Laura, R. Maria Paula and S. Nicole.
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