Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
3.2 Integration strategy and culture.
Integration strategy and culture show you a lot of cultural products of our organization that include behaviors, values, beliefs, rites, rituals, ceremonies, myths, stories, legends, sagas, languages, metaphors, symbols, heroes, and heroines. This aspect contribute in formulation, implementation and evaluation activities or process. Also, our cultural products help us to distinguish from other organizations that give the same service. Finally, fou us it is very important to mention cultural products in our project because of culture and strategy in every aspect needs to work together to accomplish our goals and objectives for growing and to have a good level of rentability and success in our business. In our case, we will talk about.

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Describe your image here

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Cultural products:
1. Ceremonial:
“Ángeles bilingües” foundation will have flag hoisters for students and teachers where the foundation recognize the effort of those groups in different areas, also in this kind of activities we will show some cultural aspects like the language day where we teach to students about literate, writers, novels and famous books, moreover the gift that the foundation will give each days will be related with the cultural aspect that we are going to celebrate. Finally, the recognition that we are going to give will depend of good grades, excellent academic process and behavior.
2. Symbols:
2.1. Flag:
2.2. Shield:
2.3. Meaning of the colors:
2.3.1. Light blue: this color is associated with health, understanding and tranquility.
2.3.2. Light pink: this color means affection, friendliness and love.
2.3.3.Light green: this color means hope, stability and life.
Characteristics of each color describe many values that our foundation has, so this is one of the main reasons for we decided to choose this kind of colors.
3. Uniforms:
Every employer including the director in the company will have a dressing gown with figures which are very attractive for children like cards, toys and school suppliers; also they will use a waterproof pants with tennis and a sweater below the dressing gown. Moreover, the uniform should be impeccable, clean and in perfect conditions, also, their physical appearance must be in brilliant condition, it includes good hygiene all of the aspects.
On the other hand, the students will not have a uniform because we don´t wants that families spend money of this aspect, but they will have a dressing gown for take care of their clothes. These dressing gowns need to be clean and in perfect conditions.
4. Language:
Our language is base in the respect that includes the use of good words in Spanish and English between employers and students; moreover, it is friendly and polite in every aspect due to the fact that we want to build a society with a lot of values and qualities for being with others. Finally, an important thing is that our main academic language in English.
5. Values:
“Angelitos bilingües” foundation has five main values that highlight our politics and belief for build a society where the main point of focus is the person in all of the aspects. Here you will see which our most important values are:
5.1. Lowliness: That virtue is to know the limitations and weaknesses and act on that knowledge.
5.2. Friendliness: Being nice is to be loving, affectionate, friendly, courteous, friendly, helpful, affable, even funny and smiling, all qualities that are essential in the form children from the earliest age.
5.3. Respect: Means valuing others abide by its authority and consider their dignity. Respect is always welcomes the truth, moreover, it is the essence of human relationships, of community life, and teamwork
5.4. Tolerance: it is the respect for the thoughts and actions of third parties where are opposite or different from their own.
5.5. Homeliness: it is a human characteristic that has to do with the interest in things, objects, sensations and simple situations.

© 2015 by C. Daniela, G. Laura, R. Maria Paula and S. Nicole.
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