Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
2.1. Economic forces.

Economic forces are essential to determine potential strategies in the field in which it is operating. In our company these facotres listed below are funamental part when making decisions such as an increase or decrease of interest.
2.1.1.Availability of credit in Zipaquira
The municipal budget revenues zipaquira are a total of 79,199,812,432.
According to a document issued by the Municipality of zipaquira in 2014 where total revenue is collected and special funds.

2.1.2.Unemployment in Colombia
In June 2015, the national unemployment rate was 8.2 %.
Compared with the same month of 2014 , the unemployment rate 1.0 percentage points ( 9.2% in June 2014) was reduced
Unfavorable growing trend - Pro downward trend

2.1.3.Interest Rates in Colombia
'Interest rates are the price of money. If a person, company or government requires money to purchase goods or finance their operations and apply for a loan, the interest you pay on the money requested will be the cost you'll pay for that service. As with any product, the law of supply and demand exists: while it easier to get money (more choice, greater liquidity), the interest rate will be lower. Conversely, if there is not enough money to lend, the rate will be higher.’
According to El Banco de la Republica de Colombia, the rate of interest that it was growing that 2015 will remain at 4.5% with no change in this. The table can be verified as from the last month of 2012 to 2015 the interest rate has increased:
Tasa de Interés 2015
viernes, 31 de julio de 2015: 4.50%
viernes, 24 de junio de 2015: 4.50%
viernes, 20 de marzo de 2015: 4.50%
viernes, 30 de enero de 2015: 4,50%
Tasa de Interés 2014
viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014: 4,50%
jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014: 4,50%
viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014: 4,50%
viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014: 4,50%
jueves, 31 de julio de 2014: 4,25%
Tasa de Interés 2013
viernes, 26 de junio de 2014: 4,00%
martes, 26 de marzo de 2013: 3,25%
lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013: 3,75%
martes, 29 de enero de 2013: 4,00%
lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2012: 4,25%
Tasas de interés seguirán estables durante el 2015:
Tasas de interés del Banco de la republica se mantiene en un 4,5%:
2.1.4.Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Colombia
'About 50% of the CPI is measured by the prices of services in the country (from meals away from home, to tourist travel, through public services) and many of these define their increases in line with inflation last year , as is perfectly clear in the heading of leases.
The increase in market prices (especially food) is due to an increase in the inflation rate at 3%, therefore the quality of life decreases unable to have access to more products / services as their income is not enough to cover these prices, and often fail to meet all your needs. Inflation has an annual change.
Through the table can be analyzed, the CPI has increased since 2013 stood at a rate of 1.9% and in 2014 the CPI rose 3.7%, the variation is 2% for the year 2015 is given in January by 3.5% since mid-July grows to 4.5%. Analysts say it will remain at 3.5% for the remainder of the year.
2.1.5.The stock market trends in Colombia
According to the results, there is uncertainty about the behavior of the currency, growing pessimism about economic growth and the majority believes that the Issuer will maintain its intervention rates at 4.5%.
82% of respondents in the Survey of Financial Review (EOF) by Fedesarrollo and Colombia Stock Exchange analysts and portfolio managers consider that the Central Bank will maintain its intervention rates by 4.5% while 16.7% felt that the Issuer will increase its intervention rate by 25 basis points at the next meeting on Friday August 21.
In the first quarter of 2015 the Colombian economy grew at a rate of 2.8%. Under the context, respondents projections agents on the growth of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015 is 2.8%, 0.3 percentage points lower than the previous month as expected.
2.1.7.Factors Import and Export in Colombia
WHY THINK import or export?
There are several reasons why the decision to export or import is taken. Here are the most common:
As an entrepreneur can reduce the risk of being in a single market; this also depends on the process of selecting the target market that has developed.
The comparative advantages and opportunities for expanded markets through preferential arrangements, production and cost advantages.
Seek higher returns in international markets and ensure the existence of the company in the long term.
Better opportunities for certain products in the international market on the premises.
Diversify markets to face international competition and the situation of the national economy. Besides acting as protection to enter the market of its competitors (if you come to me, I go to yours).
Markets with better growth expectations.
Able to make strategic alliances with foreign companies to reduce costs, improve efficiency and diversify products.
The need to engage in the global market by globalization of the economy.
The ability to sell higher volumes due to increased production capacity of the company, achieving economies of scale build.
Create competitiveness by acquiring technology and managerial skills gained in the market.

2.1.8.Changes in demand for different categories of goods and services in Colombia
Through the Productive Transformation Program, an initiative led by the national government, it seeks to develop world class sectors within which service sectors such as software and IT services, outsourcing of business processes, electricity, goods are and related services, and thanks to the great attractiveness of the country, health tourism and nature.
In this regard, Colombia represents a great opportunity for investors in the services sector, because it has great competitive advantages:
According to IMD (2015), Colombia is the first country in the region with the best skilled labor in Latin America.
More than 30% of GDP comes from services activities.
More than 150 thousand graduates annually in technical and professional careers, related to administrative and engineering areas.
2.1.9 Productivity levels of workers in Colombia
Unfortunately, Colombia in 2015 in a ranking of global competitiveness is one of the lowest countries on labor productivity holding the position number 66 among 144 countries. According to the newspaper El Tiempo, one of the main causes of low labor productivity due to lack of access to good education, whether public or private but fundamental bases in different areas such as the technological part, and so companies can hire skilled people and achieving greater efficiency in the work assigned.
'' Productivity is a circle in which everyone should be. It needs increase, for which it is necessary to have quality education; a system of science, technology and innovation; productive development policy ... The result of this gear has to be the dynamics of the economy and generating gainful employment "
http://www.eltiempo.com/economia/sectores/baja-productividad-en-colombia - / 14603116
2.1.6 Economic conditions in foreign countries in the world
The new forecasts from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) keep the US economy leads the world in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) measured in current dollars (ie, without the effect of inflation), 2020. They are followed Japan, Germany, Britain and France, but in fourth place will be a change this year if forecasts are met:
India will overtake Brazil.
2.1.10 Colombian government fiscal deficit
"By 2015, the structural deficit will be around 2.2 percent of GDP, the fiscal rule says"
Cardenas explained that the goal of structural deficit is calculated taking into account the level of potential economic growth. Estimated at 4.4 percent for 2015 and 2016
estimated at 4.4 percent for 2015 and 2016.
Additionally, Clavijo noted that in a stressed scenario for the economy like this, the national fiscal deficit might happen from 2.4 to 3.3 percent of GDP. "In 2016, the borrowing capacity of the Government will be more diminished in the Fiscal Rule".
2.1.11 Tax rates in Colombia
Adding the tax on income (25%), with the Cree (9%) and the surcharge to Cree, the nominal tax rate will be 39% in 2015 and 43% in 2018. If the above are added the other tributes national and territorial order, the effective tax rate could be above 60%.
Scope of application
This scheme applies to entities explicitly mentioned in Article 9.3 TRLIS, which are:
◦ The entities and non-profit institutions to which does not apply the special tax regime for non-profit organizations contained in Title II of Law 49/2002 of 23 December on the tax regime of nonprofit entities profit and tax incentives for patronage.
◦ Professional associations, business associations, official chambers and labor unions.
The following income is exempt:
◦ Those that come from conducting activities that constitute its corporate purpose or specific purpose.
◦ The resulting from acquisitions and transmissions for profit, provided that one and the other are obtained or made in compliance with its corporate purpose or specific purpose.
◦ Those that become apparent in the onerous transmission pertaining to the realization of the social object or specific purpose goods, when the total product obtained is allocated to new investments related to the object or purpose.
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