Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
2.6.2. Potential entry of new competitors.
In this second force reference to other companies selling the same service or product it is made.
In our case, the educational project in Zipaquira has few barriers to entry to the education industry, as major institutions in this town aimed at providing bilingual education service, but rather private and public educational institutions are found. However there are very few institutions that benefit families with very low strata and poor children. Currently institutions such as "El colegio departamental de Zipaquira", "Institución educativa rural la granja", "Institución educativa Guillermo Quevedo Zornoza" among others. Being more related to our service to provide as educational institutions, however, they are institutions that lack much infrastructure development, quality of teachers and the intensification of foreign languages. Additional other colleges and institutes are already providing bilingual education as is "Liceo católico Bilingüe" "Colegio Bilingüe San Francisco de Asís", among others, but they provide a private education and much higher costs that differ from those named will find at first. It is therefore our institutional project, projects with a focus on the teaching of foreign languages, high quality education and an immediate economic aid to poor children Zipaquira.
© 2015 by C. Daniela, G. Laura, R. Maria Paula and S. Nicole.
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