Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
3.3 Management
3.3.1 Planning:
Planning is a bridge between the present and the future than increases the likelihood of achieving desired results.
Consist of all those managerial activities related to preparing for the future.
Objective: Our main objective is to educate children in the English language, teaching them the importance of knowledge of the language in their development as professionals and workers.
Strategies: -To achieve our goal we will implemtentar a didactic fun platform where you children can learn creatively.
Our target market are children of poor families, and it is they who most need it, we want to see in our organization an opportunity to grow academically.
Providing a service caracterise for excellence is essential for us, so our teachers are highly qualified to teach ete language and to give good treatment to children.
Policies: The policies of the Foundation are linked to the rights and duties of children established by UNICEF lso
Goal: Providing a service caracterise for excellence is essential for us, so our teachers are highly qualified to teach ete language and to give good treatment to children.
3.3.2 Organizing
Organizing is the part where you will find authority relationships between employees and their description or requirements from our organization. Here you will see the specialization, departmentalization and other important aspect that need to have our workforce. Moreover, here is the span of organization and all of the specifucation, also it is a goos diagram for showing orden and control in the process of service.

1. Director:
Management includes all of the basic activities that an organization needs to do for approach their goals. These activities are planning, organizing, motivating, staffing, and controlling where a company explains activities related to the future, strategies, policies, span of the organization, motivation aspects, benefits, salaries and others aspects which help us to get management strengths and improve our weak areas.
General data:
Functional Job Title - Category: Department rectory - institutional Rector.
Profile: Bachelor's degree, University degree in management skills and educational or service in areas of administration, economics, finance and education, minimum service with 1 year experience in managing educational institutions or positions with emphasis on educational services and english level required to hold the position C1.
Area: Administrative area.
Number of dependents 6 dependents, including coordinator, teachers and cleaning lady.
Working hours: from 6:45 am to 5:30 pm, Monday toFriday.
Job that report: Secretary of education and development of the municipality of Zipaquirá.
General purpose of the position:
Guide the implementation of the educational project and implement the decisions taken by the upper body of the municipal government of Zipaquira, ensure compliance with the functions that are given to teachers and the timely provision of the necessary resources for its effect, promote and the continuous process of improving the quality of education in the educational foundation, against all the people who are part of the foundation, maintain active relationships with senior people, with companies that give donations and the local community, guide education with the assistance of the Academic Council, exercise disciplinary process functions assigned to the Act, the regulations and the Student Handbook, identify emerging trends to be in continuous improvement of the institutional educational project and promote social welfare activities linking to the foundation with the local community.
Purpose and roles:

General data:
Functional Job Title - category: Coordination Department - Academic Coordinator.
Profile: Bachelor's degree, University degree in management skills and educational or service in areas of administration, economics, finance and education, minimum service with 6 months experience in management and / or coordination of educational institutions or positions with emphasis on educational service and english level required to hold the position C1.
Area: Administrative area.
Number of dependents 5 dependents, including teachers and cleaning lady.
Working hours: from 6:45 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday.
Job that report: Rectory
General purpose of the position:
Participates in the development of the Institutional Educational Project, Improvement Plan and Institutional Assessment with the director and the agencies in charge of the area of the Ministry of education and development of the municipality of Zipaquirá, he participates in the Academic Council on the Evaluation Committee and Promotion and the others required, assists the rector in the planning, programming and Institutional academic evaluation in accordance with the objectives and curriculum standards, organized by teachers depending on their qualities to the student teaching areas, performs tracking students with academic difficulties or who demonstrate special talents, accompanies and advises teachers on their performance, periodically reporting to the president of the foundation on the outcome of academic activities, he presented the rector of teaching material needs of the areas, responsible for the proper use, maintenance and safety of the equipment and materials entrusted to its management.
Purpose and roles:
General data:
Functional Job Title - Category: Academic Professor
Profile: Bachelor's degree, newly graduated with title and child pedagogy technical knowledge or areas of child pedagogy and English level required to hold the position C1.
Area: Academic.
Number of dependents: 30 student.
Working hours: from 6:45 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday.
Job that report: stewardship and coordination.
General purpose of the position:
Understanding an approach in depth with the children of the foundation when performing their professional activities, in different dimensions:
Physical growth, cognitive, emotional and social development, psychological development. Similarly you must have knowledge of the requirements of children / as in each of the stages of development: care, feeding, hygiene, also must perform diagnostics to detect developmental problems, deviations, anomalies , and possible solutions to the learning of children.
Pedagogic skills: this area would cover those knowledge, skills and abilities that enable making appropriate decisions for each time teaching.
Sociological knowledge: We include here those skills that would enable the educator for the proper integration of the classroom and the Centre in the sociocultural context in which is embedded: relationships with parents and the educational community, parental involvement in central and same activities.
Teamwork: The educational team level, you must know how to perform group dynamics, analysis and treatment of group conflicts, changes in behavior, in order to be in a constant building an atmosphere of service and quality throughout the field social foundation.
Purpose and roles:
General data:
Functional Job Title - Category: Maid - General services.
Profile: Bachelor's degree.
Area: General services.
Number of dependents: Any (0)
Working hours: from 6:45 am to 5:30 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Job that report: Coordination and director.
General purpose of the position:
Clean the rectory and coordination office and assigned areas before the start of the school day and monitor to remain neat, keep the toilets and sinks in perfect conditions of cleanliness and cleaning and staffing necessary, packing garbage sorting organic waste papers and solid materials in separate bags, keep clean furniture, appliances, windows, tables, lounges and all accessory to the areas of offices and classrooms, caffe pot provide service for teachers, coordinating officer and director and address meetings take place in assembly areas, like work when distribute food to students and always provide a quality service that creates a clean environment and pleasure.
Purpose and roles:
3.3.3 Motivating
Motivation in this educational project is to stimulate the different areas covered by this function for different groups and / or areas that make up the organization. We should mention the most important that must be applied to fulfill our mission and vision:
Leadership: This project will find leadership development at each administrative area both as an academic and looking to each of its members lead with a great sense of belonging areas that emerge from this. For example, the teacher in charge of the recreational area must have an action plan which should lead from start to finish so that these activities are conducted according to the age of the children and in the language set by the organization (in this case the English ) and should ensure that they develop so that the objectives are met.
Communication: This aspect is the most important in this function since this depends on the objectives, goals, vision, mission, action plans and overall strategies can be communicated clearly and effectively by each department, area and/or division of the organization. The leaders, since they are responsible for start and shaping plans for the smooth running of the organization, they must be clear and transparent to employees or other administrative upon to present their ideas and/or changes, this in order to have a better organization and understanding to implement the new strategies proposed and will not be a mistakes during the process and that this does not harm the organization as a whole.
Work groups: The factor that the entire organization should bear in mind when making decisions or start new strategies in the organization, since, employees and the administrative side of the organization should work in team leadership and taking it with respect, and that when working with children all areas will be related to get a well in common and therefore should have entrepreneurial spirit when dealing with departments or areas.
Delegation of Authority: At the time of selecting leaders who will charge a group of people, various aspects are taken into account, such as: people with clear objectives, goals and diversity of arrangements are there in the organization, shall be a person open to any opinion and / or recommendation for improvement without any alteration, a collaborative person, entrepreneurial and above who has power to lead a group of people to make ends projected.
Job enrichment: The administrative part and employees must find new methods and ways of learning, making them new strategies for the organization and this is an advantage over the competition, achieving a performance more enriched and improved.
Job satisfaction: The company not only seeks children to learn the language, but also intended that these be happy learning fun and understandable ways, with new methodologies, but also seeking to implement in children an education in values, virtues that demonstrate the true being of a child.
Needs fulfillment: must be met with action plans, goals, objectives, policies, among others, for the proper development and growth of the organization, since it is a characteristic of this, being dedicated and fulfill what is promised and sets at first.
Organizational Change: At the end of each period will be a feedback of what has been achieved so far, analyzing positive aspects that may continue to apply and weaknesses must be corrected, achieving a rich analysis to make changes in general benefit the organization.
Employee morale: Employees who enter the organization must have a work history based on honesty, respect, high leadership and demonstrate working with children.
Managerial morale: Employees who work in the organization should have a work history based on honesty, respect, responsibility and demonstrate benefits in the administrative part.
Staffing is calling personnel management or human resource management which include aspects like recruiting, interviewing, testing, selecting, orienting, training, evaluating, disciplining, dismissing employees, and others things that conform staffing. Moreover, staffing has an important role in strategy integration due to the fat that it is focused on different aspect about workforce that showing strengths and weaknesses. Recruiting
For director, coordinator and main: they will be recruited by a report of the working life where showing a recommendation from another company, also, it needs to have all of the studies that the person have in the case of coordinator and director to can decide who accomplish with the requirement that we are looking.
For the teacher: they will be recruited by suggestion of companies where they did their practice or recommendations from their university, also they need to have a high level of English and brilliant skills of service. Interviewing, testing and selecting.
In these stages the foundation Angelitos Bilingûes interview all of alternatives of employers for looking the best profile to give the job where we ask questions about service educational skills, knowledge and personality aspects. Then we do a test to evaluate the level of studies and knowledge in a way more quantitative, and finally depend of the best result in the two stages before we decide who have accomplished with all of the requirements Orienting and training
When we will have the new employers we give an induction about all of the aspects that they need to know in their work, moreover in this week the foundation gives to their the uniform and explain in detail all of the rules and norm that need to know for be in our foundation. Furthermore, this foundation for training does class simulations where the students are people who do all of the process of recruiting; for watching and to correct low aspect that each person does in their job. Evaluating
Each month our organization will practice an English evaluation for employers less the main, with that we will be looking their level of knowledge and if they are a good professionals, because the topic that they know are the topic that they teach to their students, so if we have control about teacher, director and coordinator in knowledge, we build high standards of quality service in education. Dismissing employees
When employers do something that don’t respect the rules and norms from the foundation they will only have one more opportunity to do something bad because when they complete the third time the person will be farewell.
3.3.5 Controlling:
1. Quality control: our organization is needed to quantitatively measure the quality in order to deliver the best service to our students; this being achieved by means of a survey to parents and children questions about their experience in daily life within the organization (the questions will be made by means of an external person)
2. Financial control: control over the monthly installments that will give the government for each student through databases were lead. Also, each month the organization will be supported by an accountant who will give the respective results of each month for all expenses or payments made by the organization.
3. Inventory control: It will be held control refreshments for each student in order to have specific data on how much food they were given and few were stored.
4. Cost control: Through the counter give the government a monthly budget of overheads of the organization.
5. Penalties: children who do not comply with the rules stipulated in the admission of the child, altering the coexistence in the classroom learning and development of the other students were punished.
$ 1.200.000 + prestacionales loads.
2. Coordinator:

$ 900.000 + prestacionales loads.
3. Teacher:
3.3.4 Staffing:

4. Maid:
$ 750.000 + prestacionales loads.

$ 644.350+ prestacionales loads.
© 2015 by C. Daniela, G. Laura, R. Maria Paula and S. Nicole.
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