Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
2.2 Social, cultural, demographic, and environmental forces
Social, cultural, demographic and environmental forces, are key factors that allow us to identify the strengths and weaknesses found in Zipaquira as our project area and nationally in Colombia, according to information provided by the government, in order to relate these strengths and weaknesses that arise daily problems or situations that are generated in society and also check how they affect us or help us in our project of education to take advantage and be careful if it is a negative aspect.

2.2.1. Average disposable income.
2.2.2. Attitudes toward saving.
2.2.3. Attitudes toward investing.
2.2.4. Racial equality.
2.2.5. Immigration and emigration rate
2.2.6. Workers
2.2.7. Recycling
2.2.8. Per Capita
2.2.9.Attitude toward business in zipaquira
2.2.11.Inner city environments
2.2.12.Confidence in Government
2.2.13.Attitude towards the government
2.2.14.Birth rate
2.2.15.Social security programs
2.2.17.Average level of education
2.2.18.Social programs in Zipaquira

2.2.1. Average disposable income in Colombia
In Colombia, DANE did an investigation where they found that the level of income in Colombian families from 2006 to 2007 was increasing, however, to confirm and complete this aspect DAN published a graphs where they show to society that the trend of income is growing in the last years and for the 2016 year it will grow 9.3 billions. Here it is the graph built by DAN.

2.2. Attitudes toward saving in Colombia.
The balance of savings accounts in Colombia are growing extravagantly, in addition, the company is having rates of 22% in terms of CDT. Moreover according to the Financial Supervision savings balances they have increased by 19.5 percent annually, which is made up of 47% of deposits from entities; It is one of the largest depositors; however in Colombia it is estimated around 35 million customers who have a savings account.Moreover according to article published in the magazine Business & Labor called "Evolution of savings in Colombia" during the last 50 years, domestic savings in Colombia has changed from 13% to 25% of GDP around an average rate of 19%.
Moreover, it is important to analyze the savings discriminated by households, businesses and ruled as each of these groups shows some variables and different behaviors, because everyone is affected by different factors such as household savings before the time of the crisis is characterized by a decline in public saving and subsequently saving by enterprises has reflected acceleration in the first decade, as shown in the graph:
Colombia domestic saving (% of GDP)

2.2.3. Attitudes toward investing in Colombia .
According to article published in the magazine Business & Labor called "Evolution of savings in Colombia", despite the savings in Colombia has increased in recent years, this country has low saving capabilities which is reflected in the rate moderate investment, but the investment rate has increased to 30% of GDP, because of foreign savings. Moreover them late twentieth century, this rate dropped to 12.6% as a result of lower flows of savings however this thanks to capital inflows recovered. Leaving conclusion according to the aforementioned Article; the high dependence on financing flows increases the vulnerability of the economy to international markets, putting at stake the sustainability of domestic demand (graph number 1). For the other hand, we can said in a big view that the trend of Colombia investment is growing up in the last years, but for the next year it rate will decrese 4.9% (graph numer 2).
Graph numer 1: Rates of saving and investment in Colombia (% of GDP)
Graph numer 2: The general budget of the nation's investment

2.2.4. Racial equality from Colombia.
Colombia has a system that does not allow racial discrimination but according to studies by the International Human Rights Commission (CIDH), the country discriminates against the African population which represents 11% of the Colombian population according to the census of 2005, Moreover, these communities are affected by discrimination in all their social rights.
Then, according to the Center for judicial studies it determined that the infant mortality rate and the level of hunger is double compared to other Colombians, in addition, access to health services or African housing is also very limited for this community . With this study we can analyze that Colombia has a trend to be far from being a racial democracy, for which the government needs to devise appropriate measures to prevent racial discrimination against the black community and to groups of indigenous people who also are afflicted by this situation strategies causing a clash of marginalization, poverty and absence of work and education.
2.2.5. Immigration and emigration rate in Colombia
According to the latest report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in 2014 an increase of 34.67% in terms of the number of immigrants or Colombians who entered the country, this represented a flow of 349 423 people showed up. Meanwhile, the output of Colombian travelers abroad (emigration) increased by 21.14%, which represented a flow of 376 472 people.
2.2.6. Workers in Colombia
According to the Minister of Labour, there are a 21.823 million workers in Colombia. In 2014 the unemployment rate decreased by 0.5 to 9.1% involved, as in the previous year stood at 9.6%, one could say that it has increased the level of posts working at home and there are fewer unemployed people.
2.2.7. Recycling in Colombia
'The Housing Minister Luis Felipe Henao, announced that the recycling strategy will be strengthened, to spend a utilization rate of 15% waste that currently exists to 20% by 2018.'
Analyzing the lack of awareness of society about pollution that exists daily, the Minister of Housing takes action and assumes the problem by putting into practice environmental activities and beginning a greater demand for recycling, such as promoting new strategies collection and decrease the amount of solid waste going to landfills and the impact they generate on the environment, so you can take advantage of these residues in different ways, helping both the economy and protecting the environment.
2.2.8. Per Capita of Colombia
In Colombia's per capita income increases and grows each year which is a benefit to society because they will have more income to purchase more products and / or services.

2.2.9.Attitude toward business in zipaquira
Zipaquirá is an attractive municipality as being provincial capital come here many agricultural products throughout the region, Refrigerator Company Zipaquira EFZ stands out as the best region refrigerator for slaughter and butchering of cattle and sheep. In part agricultural crops of potatoes, carrots and peas are presented. The commercial part represents more than 50% of economic activities in the municipality; tourism is an aspect to highlight thanks to the Salt Cathedral located in a giant salt mine, which could meet world demand for about 100 years, which receives more than 500,000 national and international tourists a year.
2.2.1. Average disposable income of Colombia.
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2.2.10.Lifestyle in Zipaquirá
The statistics of poverty and quality of life of the municipality located in Zipaquirá in a better position than the state and national average. However, it shows a significant lag in relation to Bogotá. The index of quality of life in Zipaquira (79.5) is above the national provincial average (67.5) and (70.8), but below that of Bogotá (84.4). Almost half of households in the municipality belonging to strata 1 and 2, and rural poverty is high. It is necessary, therefore, to improve these indicators to climb on competitiveness at national and international level.
The indicator of unsatisfied basic needs, NBI, measures the percentage of households in the municipality lack of one or more needs considered essential for a decent life. In the city, 19.4% of the population is affected by unsatisfied basic needs. This indicator is higher than in Bogota (17.3%), but lower than in Cundinamarca (34%) and national (37.2%). As usual in the country, the rate is higher in rural areas (30.5%) than in the head of the municipality (17.7%). However, rural level indicator shows a better situation in the municipality in the department (45.5%), the national average (62.5%), and even in Bogota (38.1%).

2.2.11.Inner city environments in Zipaquira
These are fundamental values for living in a big city:
Responsibility between citizens and between these (given) and authorities (for building coexistence).
The sense of belonging and identity with the city.
The legitimacy of the State represented at the Municipal Administration.
Dialogue and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.
Respect for life, human integrity, the environment, public space, cultural heritage and public health.
Strengthening exercise and permanent healthy lifestyles.
Sustainable development of society and respect for municipal, departmental and national authorities.
Trust as a foundation of security.
The resolution of conflicts through the use of alternative mechanisms.
Improving the quality of life and vocation of service.
2.2.12.Confidence in Government in Zipaquirá
On the eve of accountability Mayor Marco Tulio Sánchez, journalistic Aprecuz group decided to take to the streets of the town and ask passersby to think of management d mayor.
2.2.13.Attitude towards the government in Zipaquirá
With a 71% favorable image, Mayor Marco Tulio Sanchez, was consolidated as one of the leaders with higher levels of favorability in the country. A few months after end of the current term of government, the National Consulting Center revealed a survey on the perception of zipaquireños over the direction of the city and the image of Mayor Sanchez.
The most relevant is the percentage of citizens who consider Zipaquira is on track, the level of awareness rises to 82%.
Young people between 18 and 25 years are the most optimistic, they say that 91% believe the city is on track and only 9% gave a negative answer to it.

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2.2.14.Birth rate in Zipaquira
This study by the DANE is comprised of 17 municipalities are: Soacha, Facatativá, Zipaquira, Chia, Mosquera, Madrid, Funza, Cajicá, Sibaté, Tocancipá , La Calera, Sopo, Tabio, Tenjo, Cota, Gachancipá and Bojacá .

We can ovserbar the birth rate and fertility rate and can stipulate a aporccimado only for the municipality of zipaquira.
2.2.15.Social security programs in Zipaquira
This is a study by the municipality of zipaquira which shows that the population zipaquireña pertenese the contributory system and the subsidized and the comparison between these.

To our fountation is important to know the different social security programs and the total population that is affiliated to this programs, specifically the social security programs that our children belong.
2.2.16.Contraceptive in Zipaquirá

This is the percentage distribution of pregnat teenagers in Zipaquira.
This study is important to our fountation because show us the number of children who will be born in the coming years.
2.2.17.Average level of education in Zipaquirá

This is the percentage of school -level zipaquira.
We can see taht the children between 3-7 years old go to school and could be the age range to which we can offer our services.
2.2.18.Social programs in Zipaquira
Improve living standards and environment of the Elderly from different areas and fields of action on equal terms, respect for human dignity and integrity of this population.
• Provide time and space integration of Elderly through play, recreation, cultural, educational, social, productive and occupation of free time to contribute to their welfare activities.
• Increase coverage of attention of various social protection programs developed by the State aimed at the Older Adult population in extreme social and economic vulnerability.
• Spaces of social participation:
Decentralize services and activities aimed at children, youth, women, elderly, persons with disabilities and their families; enabling them to improve the quality of life of each group.
•Disability Programme:
• Provide professional services to the population in disability status, setting actions to recover and / or improve functionality levels of the population, facilitating the development of the competences for everyday performance with greater independence.
• To promote, prevent and treat problems of school learning.
• Program childhood:
Ensure the proper development of children in our city, implementing their rights and improving integration and family harmony and therefore equitable and inclusive social development of the municipality.
• Women and gender equity program
Promote the development and welfare of women through comprehensive training and active participation of the same generating responsibility and productivity processes to ensure inclusion and equality of this population.
© 2015 by C. Daniela, G. Laura, R. Maria Paula and S. Nicole.
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