Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
The production/operations function of a business consists of all those activities that transform inputs into goods and services. A manufacturing operation transforms inputs such as raw materials, labor, capital, machines and facilities into finished goods and services.
According to Roger Schroeder, production/operations management comprises 5 decision areas:
The project will be located in the city of Zipaquira in the La Esmeralda, as it is one of the lowest income neighborhoods of the city. The foundation will be created in the La Esmeralda thinking about saving transportation for children and also for their safety. Also to be easily accessible to parents.
The technology used in this organization should be such that children can easily use without danger that threatens their education, such as safety platforms. Foundation will use differents machines like Refrigerators for snacks to keep in good condition, and the equipment needed to perform the cleaning of the site. Also a cell for use in emergencies, and security cameras for lighter when caring for children.
The capacity that have the fundation is only to 30 children betwen 3 and 7 years old, since the idea is that the service provided is almost personalized.
For our foundation it is important to have an inventory of material or technology used to deliver knowledge to students, as these help with the methodology implemented and selected teaching in the organization. Some of these are:
1. Technology
2. School supplies such as notebooks, books, among others.
3. Training Material
Since we are a foundation and our supplier is the government, we have to have a very good inventory of this things to the government and they can provide us this necessary elements.
The foundation looking for the employees feel comfortable with the job within the organization looking for their adaptation and seeking greater commitment to this. Also for administrative side of the organization, employees will receive capacitciones that help strengthen their knowledge of the necessary care that must be with the children and also your relationship with them.
The adminsitrativa part also in charge of demonstrating satisfaction with the objectives achieved in certain time periods, giving incentives to employees to continue growing in the excellence of their work.
The service provided in the foundation meets high quality standards that allow children to participate in a healthy and safe environment in every aspect, allowing them to obtain a better and more effective learning progress in fulfilling the objective of the foundation.

© 2015 by C. Daniela, G. Laura, R. Maria Paula and S. Nicole.
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