Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
2.4. Technological forces.
Technology as important in this era of innovation of new products and / or services factor, has led to the creation of new positions such as the chief information officer (CIO) and Chief Technology Officer (CTO), in order to have an efficient and effective management of this, since the technology brings to a growth in the information for optimal strategic management. These new posts new information to ensure the formulation, improved plug and evaluation of new strategies. Also, they develop, maintain and update the database of a company.
Technology can be both good and bad for many companies because it has the power to change the competitive advantages, which in many cases are better than the existing advantages.
For our Project, using internet tool, it is favorable because it allows use new tools that exist in the virtual world and the methodology used to optimize and generate greater profits in the education of children.
© 2015 by C. Daniela, G. Laura, R. Maria Paula and S. Nicole.
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