Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
3.4 Marketing
Seven basic funtions of marketing (1) customer analysis, (2) selling products and services, (3) product and service planning, (4) pricing, (5) distribution, (6) marketing research, and (7) opportunity analysis.
3.4.1 Customer Analysis

The profile of our client they are children between 3-7 years with low resources, with parents who do not have major income and do not have pay like a bilingual (English) college. Also they are children who do not have supervision in the whole day as questions of work of the parents. The parents of these children search they would be ready to pay a minor inscription to $20.000 pesos for 1 year, waiting in exchange easily access to the college without thinking about transport, including refreshments, services of infirmary and day-care center during Monday to Friday.
3.4.2 Selling Products and Services
The successful implementation of the overall strategy depends on the Ability of an organization to sell ITS service, Which includes many activities of marketing: such as advertising, sales promotion, advertising, personal selling, sales force management, customer relationships and supplier relationship.
Our organization is to raise awareness by means of radio (FM stereo Cathedral) and television channel Zipaquirá (Aprecuz). This in order that the families concerned to get closer to the institution and conduct the registration process.
Aprecúz page: http://www.aprecuz.com.co/
Page radio: http://www.colombia.com/radio/i704/catedral-estereo-107-4-fm-zipaquira-cundinamarca
3.4.3 Product and Service Planning
Product and service planning includes: such as test marketing activities; product positioning and brand; Guarantees devise; packaging; Identifying product options, it has style and quality.
• The best organization level education in English: Quality in every service provided within the organization from food that give children up to the higher education of teachers.
• Services strategy: The education of the organization will be in the English language and is also included which will be free for low income families.
Education in English
First state kit
The clases will be in English for a better learning
The organization will give to the students a nutritive break every day
If something wrong happen with the children, the teacher will help them
3.4.4 Marketing Research

3.4.5 Opportunity Analysis
We are the only organization in Zipaquira which provides underprivileged children in English education and free time.
© 2015 by C. Daniela, G. Laura, R. Maria Paula and S. Nicole.
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