Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
3.5 Finance and Accounting
Financial condition is often considered the single best measure of a firm´s competitive position and overall attractiveness to investors. Determining an organization´s financial strengths and weaknesses is essential to effectively formulating strategies. A firm´s liquidity, leverage, working capital, profitability, asset utilization, cash flow and equity can eliminate some strategies as being feasible alternatives.
In our foundation capital and economic bases, they are provided largely by the Municipality of Zipaquira and three companies in way of donation, which are: Comercializadora Baldini SA, Elephant Networking and Hacienda Vile, who annually give us an income for financial aid to enable the maintenance of infrastructure, purchase of materials and tools that are needed to generate excellent service education.
Balance sheet:
It allows you represented and creative as the foundation, have a summary of all you have the company, you should, of what they owe and what really belongs to a certain date. Obtaining valuable information about our foundation, as the state of our debts, we must charge or availability of money at the time or in the near future.
* The following balance sheet shows all the movements the company would have with a proyection of 3 years (2015-2016-2017).
Assets = Liabilities + Equity
© 2015 by C. Daniela, G. Laura, R. Maria Paula and S. Nicole.
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