Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
About us:
We are a non profit organization, created to provide an education service in the town of Zipaquira, Colombia, which was created in response to a difficult situation faced Zipaquira some communities, the lack of support educational development to poor children. Our educational project aims to develop plans and activities involving children to learn and use the foreign languages, additional basic education provided, with financial support from the Ministry of Education and some sponsors who make donations.
Jaie Daniela Cuevas Pinzón lives in Zipaquira and studies management and service at the Sabana University, and she is in the fourth semester. Moreover,she was the receptionist of a Hotel in zipaquira that is called: Hotel Camino de la Sal. She is taking a course of tourism to help tourists at the reception. Furthermore, she has thought to create her own hotel chain to give people a better service and experience. She has thought about finishing her studying abroad and then return to her country and work in Colombia. Finally, she born to serve and help others.

Maria paula romero Sotelo is 19 years old, Sabana University, performing career management and service, currently in fourth semester. It is characterized by being an integral woman, full of values and principles, looking every day to achieve all its objectives and dreams. Likes to serve those most in need without receiving things in return, she is happy when someone else makes you happy. He loves and feels safe in his career to practice throughout the rest of his life.

Nicole Suarez is in 5th semester of service Administracion in the Univercidad de la Sabana. She belongs to PAT; at the moment she works on Fridays and Saturdays in events organized by Meson de la Sabana. She has also participated as a simulated patient for the faculty of Medicine. On some weekends, she helps her father at their family restaurant, as a waitress. When she finished her studies, she plans on starting her postgraduate studies and learning languages to work in the tourist field or in hospitals, promoting goog service for patients.

Laura is a student at the University of La Sabana. She study Managment and services in the fourth semester. She lives in Cajica with her parents and her sister and her hobby is spend time with them. Her wish is to work in a Hotel in Dubai. She have a lot of expectations in her life, one and the principal of them is get her graduation and another one, is créate a foundation for low-income children

© 2015 by C. Daniela, G. Laura, R. Maria Paula and S. Nicole.
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