Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
2.6. Competitive analysis: Porter's five-forces model.
Our educational project uses 5 forces of Porter, as a tool to help us understand and reveal the profitability and the level of competition surrounding our organization in order to analyze and improve our strategy to provide excellent service education to the poor children of Zipaquira.
Therefore, we as representatives of the educational project, identify the rivalry between other companies offering competitive education services for children with economic needs, as it must take into account the threat that we provide other competitors at the time the client (parents or guardians) choose the institution for the education of their children, we also have a varied market suppliers to identify others and find ways of intensifying the proportion of quality education we profitability and offer better prices. Additional identify what services offer substitutes in our project to improve and provide excellent service for bilingual education. In this way, we can have a clear idea of how we can deal with our clients when delivering and publicize our service.
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