Fundación Angelitos Bilingües
2.3. Political, legal and governmental forces.
These three factors help us to identify what are the parameters, rules, laws, decrees and other processes that must be considered for the realization and continuation of our project by government agencies and state, so we are informed of the issues required to implement our project properly and also identify factors that benefit us and hurt us to give a solution.

2.3.1 Special Tariffs in Colombia
Special tariffs are taxes that undertakings providing a service or customers must pay to the government, this rate is set by the company freely but in different cases the government is the one that is responsible for setting the tariff to certain companies. Our project is involved but as a company that provides an essential service such as education and not for profit, this rate will be minimal or established for the government to pay for it.
2.3.2.Number of Patents in Colombia
'A year around 2,000 patent applications in the country are presented, and only one in 10 is a national. Of the total of this year, 1,110 are foreigners and only 134 national, and granted, 515 are foreign and 57 colombianos.'
http: //www.eltiempo.com/economia/sectores/patentes-de- invention-in-Colombia / 14462107
In 2012 there was an increase to 1667 applications, growth that Colombia had not had for years, but in 2014 there was a decrease of 29.8%, a big problem since Colombia is a country with fewer patents, ranking 5 post level to South America, and this is a matter of concern because there are fewer people interested in making your request for new inventions.
The number of patents does not affect our project directly, but if you could provide, if the need arises to have new inventions to contribute to the methodology for teaching children and providing financial assistance.
2.3.3.Level of government subsidies in Colombia
'In this new year Colombians most in need can become homeowners with the help of the National Government through the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory at the head of Luis Felipe Henao Cardona, who leads several housing programs that offer subsidies different wage levels'.
The subsidies are increased giving better quality of life to people, and that they do not fear losing a home or pay rent, what is sought is that the income of these people are for other basic needs such as food, services and sometimes for the education of children.
2.3.4.Voter participation rates in Colombia
'Colombia ranks first among countries in the region abstainers. Analysts agree that the discrediting of the parties a disconnect between politicians and the real needs of people adds. 'http://www.eltiempo.com/politica/partidos-politicos/reeleccion-de-santos-los-datos-de-abstencionismo/14128378
Colombia is one of the countries with low participation in the vote, since citizens prefer not to go out and vote because the proposed nominees by politicians are not the best solution for your needs and requests. Over the years it has seen more participation by the people but even the percentages are very low. Similarly, this issue has no impact on our project because education is established as a requirement of the law and society.
2.3.5.Local, states and national elections In Colombia
Will next October 25, 2015 beginning at regional elections, giving the opportunity to the citizens to choose their next mayor, giving the position to begin making necessary changes in the city.

2.3.6 Environmental protection laws in Colombia
1. General regulations
2. Standards theme
2.1 Environmental standards and principles contained in the constitution Colombia policy
2.2 Some general standards
2.3 Rules on community participation and cultural heritage
2.4 Rules on natural heritage and national monuments
2.5 Rules on flora and forests
2.6 Rules on the atmospheric resources
2.7 Silvertre rules on wildlife and hunting
2.8 Legislation on water resources
2.9 Rules on solid waste
2.10 Ground rules on the appeal
2.11 Rules on risk management and disaster prevention
2.12 Rules on seas and coasts
3. International law adopted by Colombia
These are the Environmental protection laws in Colombia:
To our foundation is important to comply with the Article 79:
"Everyone has the right to enjoy a healthy environment. The law will ensure community participation in decisions that may affect it. The State should protect the diversity and integrity of the environment , conserve areas of special ecological importance and promoting education for achieving these ends ".
Ar 63.
Public goods: Determines that the property for public use , natural parks , communal lands of ethnic groups and other property determined by law , are inalienable and indefeasible.
Act 09 of 1979.
National Health Code
Law 388 of 1997.
Municipal and District Land Use and Land Use Plans .
2.3.7. Government fiscal and monetary policy changes in Colombia
Before 1967, the exchange rate was fixed, but it had to devalue periodically because inflation in Colombia was higher than international inflation or the United States.
Since 1967 the exchange rate with gradual devaluation was instituted.
The decline in coffee exports and the new nature of the shocks to the balance of payments became increasingly expensive the exchange rate regime of Decree Law 444 in the late eighties and gradually led to more flexible exchange rate regime in the nineties.
In a relatively short period of time the Bank of the Republic broke with a tradition of 70 years of regime of fixed exchange rate, in order to be made more autonomous monetary policy and enable the achievement of inflation rates more similar to international.
Lower inflation has allowed the incipient development of a capital market that will be critical to the future development of the economy, as long as you keep the achievements on inflation.
2.3.8. Changes in patent laws in Colombia
In order that the patent application process is more efficient and less costly procedure , the Colombian government has adopted new policies and has focused all its efforts on promoting the proper protection of industrial property rights as well as local companies like foreign .
As for the formal requirements
The anti procedures law has been recently adopted and applied It has been applied in order to allow the patent applicant , take your application faster and less expensive
The main rules applicable to the processing of patent
-The no requirement of legalization.
-It is prohibited from requiring the Patent Office documents.
-No need to file proof of the change of name of the applicant.
-Forces the Patent Office to develop online mechanisms to complete the formalities.
Reduction in patent processing times
It has hired additional staff to improve service efficiency .
2.3.9. Number, severity and location of government protests in Colombia
-Colombia Want peace without impunity
-Tribute To victims of paramilitarism , the para-politics and state crimes .
-March Of Silence
-Massacre Of banana
-Minga Indigenous
-Mobilization Coffee in Colombia 2013
-Mobilization Against the dismissal of Gustavo Petro
-Mobilization Student at Colombia 2011 Colombia national agricultural
-Paro in 2013 A million voices against FARC
2.3.10. Size of government budgets in Colombia.
Colombia for the next year (2016) will implement a high percentage in educational sector because the government wants to improve education in this country in the future, so this is the main reason for the new proposal of the Colombia’s budgets decided to give to this sector the 18,6% of this; and also is the sector which has more participation percentage in the budgets of the government of Colombia where the second with most percentage is defense and police with 17,9%.
The high participation percentage of for the educational sector show to the society that the future trends of these aspects will be inclined to improve educational project, so they affect us a lot because if Colombia has a high budgets for this sector, the government could give us more money for our project due to the fact that we are one of the strategic that they can use for improve education aspects.

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